Tuesday, August 26, 2008

An Interview with My Life

is the name of my self-portrait.
I like to explore "accidental" choices in these days. A week ago, I grabbed some old issues of Southern Reviews from the library that would otherwise be discarded, flipped trough pages and cut a few sentences and expressions that caught my eye and stored them in a paper bag. This morning I could no more resist to try to draw my self-portrait from a photograph. And when I finished it, it still looked very unfinished. Then I remembered my cut-outs. I emptied the bag on the table and in a while it was all clear...
This is me.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This is what keeps me from drawing...

Exactly. I grew so fond of playing and improvasing on my Gloria, that when I want to sit myself at the table to draw, I must force myself to do so. And no images come to mind. So I thought I'll draw her, my favourite culprit.