Sunday, February 17, 2008

Doll Sketches

Browsing through photoes at Flickr I found out Roshekie who makes these beautiful dolls... not pretty pretty at all but very soulful, each of them with a character of her own. I was immediately inspired and so I did the first sketch...I wanted to draw a girl who is not pretty, yet soulful. Well, the result is guite disturbing (am not sure whether she's a girl at all) but like her anyway.

I couldn't sleep so I started another one but this time I slipped to my pretty pretty style of drawing girls...however, she's quite timid pretty at I like her as well.


sandy said...

These are fun to view, nice job.
Glad you updated.


Anonymous said...

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Geraldo Maia said...

Hola CrumpledPaperbirds,
I was just looking for blogs in Czech Republic, when I found by chance yours. it is a quite interesting one and very beautiful.
Best wishes from Brazil:

Crumpled Paperbirds said...

Thank you, Geraldo:)