Hello! The holiday is over. At work again. First, I need to apologize. I promised to come with a collection of pictures and give you metaphorical Christmas time...but in the end it's more of a fasting:) I had a great time in Beskydy hills, done an awful lot of hiking and cycling, end every evening ended up with energy enough to make a cup of tea, lay down on the sofa and watch a detective series from the eighties.
But I have something. Sandy, the colored bugs for you:)
And yesterday I ran out of my favourite forest strawberry lip gloss. I've carried it around at least half a year and it's not easy to say good bye and throw it away, so this is for my lip gloss:
So glad you're back and I love your illustrations, those bugs are great!!! I love bugs, haha..and great job on the lip gloss. I'm glad you're back...I'll keep checking in...
Hey thanks for putting me up on your side bar too!
I love YOU, Sandy:) Enjoying being back too!!!
Wonderful sketches! Lovely style and love the colours and that lip balm.
love, love, love these both. i want some of that lip gloss! glad you to see you back and posting.
I love your illustration of the lip gloss. The color palette is just perfect...makes me want to use the same colors to make something....hmmm, what can it be????
Thank you:) Feels good to inspire... my friend will start taking photoes again, and admitted it was partially 'my fault':)
Looking forward to a yummy strawberry pic on your site, Suzanne
Love this drawing about the lip gloss!
Your drawings are wonderful. I love your dead bugs! They're terrific.
Those bugs are awesome! Nice work on both sketches, but those bug just stand out.
Wonderfully obseved bugs!
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Thank you for invitation. I'm in!!!
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