Tuesday, August 21, 2007

EDM #3 Draw a Handbag...

This is a bag I was given... on Thursday it will be exactly a year... for my birthday by my uni-friends. It has a beautiful patchwork look, it's a perfect size... not too big, not too small... and I DO REALLY like it, in comparism to its portait here. I still feel the urge to put some more layers of color but I'm learning that sometimes you need to let things go even when they are not perfect... like the chat I had this afternoon with one very cute boy and I kept... well, that's a different story... Damn!:)


Cati said...

Hey, I love the bag. I thought the colours were beautiful and that you captured the strap really well. I have been trying to draw a handbag too and I'm finding it challenging.

sandy said...

OH this is wonderful!!! Did you use colored pencil...watercolor...,

I agree with Cati, that strap is tremendously done....

I'm so glad you posted a new piece of art. And listen MIssy...what about that boy...I'm all ears...LOL

I noticed something about portrait party you commented on my blog, I'll have to check that out...and I love doing portraits. I've done a lot of them in the past in CP...That would be fun, I'd love it.

Anyway, I'm going back to peek again at your purse.


sandy said...

Also, once I get back from my week vacation up north, maybe I'll join in the everyday matters thingy..

MILLY said...

Your bag is really lovely. You have captured it so well. The colours are great, it is a really good drawing. Poor moth in the purse , it is actually an English joke to have moths fly from a wallet, someone who won't spend their money.

Crumpled Paperbirds said...

Thank you Cati, it definitely IS challenging! Wish you good luck with your mandala:)
Milly, that's funny with the proverb. I'm exactly on the other side of the money spectrum, can't keep a crown...not even the bloody moth:)
Sandy, that would be great!!! Everything. I used to love drawing portraits from imagination. I'd love to draw some more from photoes or whatever.(What does CP stand for?)There are my photoes on my flickr already. You can send yours to:
I'm looking forward to this!
Definitelly join the EDM group, it's a great support system and it fuels you with ideas:)
I'll be waiting here until you come back, surely with some new surprises!
I won't comment on the boy...me and boys...that would be a topic for a whole new blog...very embarrassing blog:)
You cheered me up with your comments, thank you all***

Hugs, Luu

andrea joseph's sketchblog said...

Oh this is cute! I used to have one of these too. Lovely drawing...and this week I'm listening to Suzanne Vega too (Solitude Standing).

Crumpled Paperbirds said...

Suzzane rocks, I love her songs!! Check out the new Beauty and Crime...only 35 minutes, but it's a treat!
That's funny you had the same bag...

Sandy, it's my usual black pen and color pencils:) and a bit of felt-tip pen (brown and bright green)

Love, Luu

sandy said...

Hi...I will get a photograph sent off in the next few days...I will probably work on it, while I am away for a week... but I don't know how busy I'll get.

I will probably do mine either in graphite or colored pencil...

and I'll have to look in our flicker to see a photo of you...

this will be fun.


sandy said...

Hi again..just saw your photo...hey its' a good photo and an excellent one to draw from I'm thinking...nice and clear....so nice to "see" you....


sandy said...

Just realized there were three photos of you. Now I get a choice..its' a hard one..they all show a certain "mood"...I'm partial to the one by the window.. You are a very beautiful young woman...


Crumpled Paperbirds said...

Great, Sandy! It will be fun!
Don't worry about when you finish it, no stress. Well, I'm not the right person to say that. I am quite stressed at the moment. Taking my state exams in September and it's a load to study. I can do it, I can do it, I can do it...uf!
Hope to gain some relaxing time by doing this exchange, no more stress!!
I've put on different moods for different tastes in people...just choose whichever you want. I'll probably use color pencils too...I'm frightened of this nearly as much as I'm looking forward to it!

Thank you for the compliment:)
Looking forward to your photoes!!!

Hug from Luu

sandy said...

Hi Luu...Hey...I haven't found the photo yet I'm going to send but I don't think I saw your email...

anyway...we are leaving a day early, that being tomorrow and we will be gone until Sunday the next week..

I'm going to put off starting on yours because I'm planning to do it in colored pencil and I don't want to drag my humungous collection of art supplies around with me.

While I'm gone i just plan on doing quick sketches when I have a little time...(we are babysitting our granddaughter who is 18 months old up in the San Francisco area.)...

So...I can't wait to start, but it's going to have to wait until i get back.

I will still be posting and looking at your blog...so I hope i hope I see some new sketches by you...

anyway, take care and I promise when I get back I will get to work on yours, because I'm excited to do it.

As soon as I can get on my old broken down laptop (not this one)...that has the cracked screen, I'll locate the photo and send it off...but oops...I don't see an email address...


imwithsully said...

The bag is so cute. And the colors are great. I tend to layer too much on my colored pencils too sometimes. I have to force myself to quit. Great blog!

Anonymous said...

This is a great sketch! The colors and your use of the pen for hatching are wonderful.