Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My First Entry ! !!

Don't know where to begin. I think I can begin Big (read Vague). There are so many beautiful things all around us that I so successfully manage to ignore every day. I can't even tell you what I mean cause I'm such an ignorant. But I decided to take notice of these little things... and yes, I want to start drawing again, and so my thinking is as follows: I will start scatching a little bit and I'll put these little creations on this blog, and I'll have kind of motivation to do it cause there might be someone to see it, maybe like it, maybe enjoy it and maybe starts noticing the little things around. I'm looking forward to where this is going to take me...


kane said...

we will notice

Crumpled Paperbirds said...

Give me a weekend and you'll notice:)
Liked your pictures from Vienna and Prag very much (well, all of your site!!!)! I have the same opinion of German language:]

sandy said...

I'll be watching!! I like your art.