This week I went home for a visit. The weather was really... REALLY HOT!!! I checked the weather forcast for the whole of Europe. Yesterday, temperatures at home (central Europe small town) were hotter than Rome, hotter than Cyprus, even hotter than Kahira or Tunis!!! 37 DEGREES! This has consequences... later at night, all local bugs just love to crawl on the warmed surface of our block of flats...the red one (upper left corner) woke me up on Tuesday morning walking my arm. The BIG ONE just popped in on Wednesday evening, furiously circling around my lamp...making me furious...turning me into a killer. Serial bug-killer.
The wasp died naturally. I found her in my wardrobe.
PS: I'm tempted to color them...I will")
PS: I'm tempted to color them...I will")
these are neat, especially the one that looks kind of...dead.
I wish I could draw bugs but it kind of bothers me to look at them so close.
I hope you are having a good visit at home.
Oh wow I love your drawings. Thanks for all your great comments at my many blogs..hahaha....
I will definitely be following along here and I think my birds would love these bugs! Take care, sandy
p.s..I would love to see them colored...
They bother me too... but only when happily crawling along.
Bug therapy: Pick a dead bug, look at it close and say "not that tough now, are you?" They don't usually rise from the dead:)
Sandy, thanks! I'm going to check on the bird now. Colored dead bugs are coming... this is scary:)
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